Friday 29 April 2011

Create Your own Arrowhead in CorelDraw X5

You can create your own arrowhead in coreldraw because it is very easy in Corel-X5. Create one object for starting arrow & second for ending arrow. When complete starting & ending objects select one by one & follow the below steps : -

(See this figure for better help)

  1. Draw two objects. One for start arrow head & second for end arrow head (see above figure).
  2. Create starthead object & flip it horizontal.
  3. Create endhead object, don't filp this object.
  4. Select start arrowhead object & choose menu Tools/Create/Arrowhead..... Give the name & click OK 
  5. Select end arrowhead object & do same procedure as you did for starting arrow object.
  6. Now Draw a simple line & put the the arrow both side (see left figure).

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